org ganu kiter* lahir 27mac87* stylish,solehah, sensitif,smile,sweet..:D

Sunday, August 28, 2011

10 Reasons Why Islam Prohibits cigarettes ..

10 Reasons Why Islam Prohibits cigarettes ..

Cigarettes affect the mind (mental)
Cigarettes affects physical health
Smoking endangers the safety of self and others
Cigarettes dangerous descent ....
Smokers disturbing others
Cigarettes cause bad behavior
Cigarette waste of life time
Cigarettes contrary to the dignity of Islam
Cigarette waste of property (money)
Smoking drugs (nicotine and alcohol)
FOR MY kwn210 Reasons Why Islam Prohibits cigarettes ..

Cigarettes affect the mind (mental)
Cigarettes affects physical health
Smoking endangers the safety of self and others
Cigarettes dangerous descent ....
Smokers disturbing others
Cigarettes cause bad behavior
Cigarette waste of life time
Cigarettes contrary to the dignity of Islam
Cigarette waste of property (money)
Smoking drugs (nicotine and alcohol)

Love yourself!!
Love For my Friends,

